Generala Horvatovića 28
11000 Belgrade
+381 62 244 100
+381 11 644 1206
Pon - pet: 8.30 - 20.00
Sub: 8.30 - 14.00



Soldo medicina osnovana je 1992. god.  sa namerom da pacijentima pruži najkompletniju i najbržu dijagnostiku kao preduslov svakog uspešnog lečenja.

Za te namene nabavljena je najsavremenija oprema tako da je SOLDO MEDICINA bila prva privatna ustanova koja je imala vlastiti skener od 1997 godine , zatim rentgen, mamograf, najsavremenije ultra zvučne aparate i drugu opremu za kvalitetnu dijagnostiku.
Osim najsavremenije opreme, SOLDO MEDICINA je svoj rad bazirala i na vrhunskim stručnjacima iz oblasti koje je pokrivala.
Danas u SOLDO MEDICINI rade neki od naših najuvaženijih stručnjaka, što je garancija da će pacijenti dobiti maksimum kada je u pitanju precizna dijagnoza i uputstva za dalje lečenje.

SOLDO MEDICINA danas za dijagnostiku koristi Multislajsni Skener marke Simens najnovije generacije.


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Need a Doctor for Check-up? Call for an Emergency Service!

+381 11 644 1206

our services

All Kinds of Lab Tests

We have introduced the principle of family medicine, which means that the family practitioner will handle the majority of medical requests, with a specialists involved only if necessary.

Chemical Research

Vaccination Services

Advanced Microscopy

Professional Laboratory Tests

The Clinic has the capacity to perform tests, both in the Clinic and in the patient’s apartment or office.

Rapid Results

We are not just a regular clinic, but a medical service provider, with which you can share any problem

qualified stuff

In order to obtain operational and accurate results, our Clinic has entered into contractual relationships

Professional Laboratory Tests

The Clinic has the capacity to perform tests, both in the Clinic and in the patient’s apartment or office.

Rapid Results

We are not just a regular clinic, but a medical service provider, with which you can share any problem

qualified stuff

In order to obtain operational and accurate results, our Clinic has entered into contractual relationships

Professional Laboratory Tests

The Clinic has the capacity to perform tests, both in the Clinic and in the patient’s apartment or office.

Rapid Results

We are not just a regular clinic, but a medical service provider, with which you can share any problem

qualified stuff

In order to obtain operational and accurate results, our Clinic has entered into contractual relationships


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